One of the most important things when you pitch a prospective client is your portfolio. Providing your potential customer with the first impression of your company is something you just can’t afford to mess up with. Sure your clients love the talking but you got to show them what ideas you have for them and what are your great achievements from the past. To increase the chances of your deal with your customers, here are a few tips that will help you assemble an attractive portfolio:
- Representation of your brand through colors and taglines
The first and the most important thing is establishing the brand association for your client. They should recognize you well before they sit to decide who they have to pick from what you have to offer. Try to choose a color combination that is attractive and represents your brand perfectly. What is the first thing that your clients will see when they open the portfolio? It is your brand logo and the tagline. You can choose the tagline of your brand or include a different one that says something exquisite regarding the experience.
- The ‘before and after’ of events
Your prospective clients are always interested in seeing the ‘before and after’ pictures. They should know you have the capability to turn a dull and boring space into an interesting and elegant one. If you are a fresher then try having a mock photo session and enhance your portfolio with views and ideas you can portray in various types of events.
If you think you can’t afford to have one, then try creating beautiful venues for your friends or relatives. This will not only make your portfolio but give you a chance to improve on your skills.
- Clients’ reviews
If you have had your first break in the business then there can be nothing more appropriate than adding your clients’ reviews to the portfolio. People will trust you even better when they know you have already provided others with satisfactory results. If you haven’t had the opportunity and are a fresher then, again you can add up the reviews of people you have helped or assisted before. You can even ask your college teachers to put in reviews for the events you have handled in the past.
- Achievements
As mentioned above, people will trust you only if you give them enough reasons to trust in you. Your clients need proof before they invest their time and money in your company. Providing them with proof of your skills and achievements will help them relate better and trust you with all their heart. You should understand that it’s not easy for them to trust some unknown company to help them out with a big event. So, you have to try to build a portfolio, which showcases your previous projects no matter how small they were to help them trust you and your team.
- Social media profiles
If you are into business in 2021, you need to know that you can’t survive without social media profiles. By giving your prospective clients access to your profiles, you not only improve your reach but also help them understand your work better. Before adding up various profiles in your portfolio, make sure they are well updated and filled with the past experiences you have had as an event management company.
- Tell them about your team
Your client should not only trust you but your teammates too. Make sure your portfolio includes a short bio of the people who are in your team explaining their experiences and expertise. Your clients should be aware that these people will work with you and that you are not alone. Also, try to mention the teamwork stories and all the fun stories you shared while working together. If your clients know you are a happy team, they will love to associate with you!
A strong portfolio comes with experience. You create memories and keep adding up to the work you have done including the fun memories you created. If you are a fresher then don’t worry, your past experiences in school, college, or with a small gathering of friends and family are enough to give you a kick start.