Curious little things : Aphra Behn
Curious little things : Aphra Behn Admin April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Aphra Behn was a playwright and punk-poetess who wrote during the 17th century. She was also the first English woman to earn through writing. She wasn’t just a prolific dramatist, she was also an innovative fiction writer who also translated science […]
Curious little things : Alexander Pope
Curious little things : Alexander Pope Admin April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Alexander Pope was well-known for his satirical poetry. His most famous work is The Rape of the Lock. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations has the second most number of quotations from him, the first being Shakespeare. If you were not aware, […]
Curious little things : Henry Fielding
Curious little things : Henry Fielding Admin April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Henry Fielding was born on 22 April 1707. He was an English novelist as well as an irony writer and a dramatist. His well-known work is from the earthy humor and satirical genres. Fielding, along with Samuel Richardson, are considered to […]
Curious little things : Jhon Milton
Curious little things : Jhon Milton Admin April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Best known for his work, Paradise Lost, John Milton is said to be the most significant English author. After Shakespeare, of course. His work, Paradise Lost, is considered to be the greatest English epic poem. Definitely with good reason! He was […]
Curious little things : Samuel Jhonson
Curious little things : Samuel Jhonson April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Samuel Johnson was born on 18 September 1709 and was often referred to as Dr. Johnson. He was an English writer, a devout Anglican, and a very committed Tory. He has also been called “arguably the most distinguished man of letters in […]
Curious little things : Emily Bronte
Curious little things : Emily Bronte April 16, 2022 Blogs,Famous Authors Fun facts Emily Brontë was born on 30 July 1818. She gained her name and fame through her only novel, Wuthering Heights. It is now considered a classic in English literature the world over. She used to write under the pen name Ellis Bell […]
Lost in a Pyramid, or the Mummy’s Curse
Lost in a Pyramid, or the Mummy’s Curse April 12, 2022 Blogs,Stories Of The World Today’s story opens with a girl, Evelyn, asking a question to her fiance, Paul. She enquires about some seeds she has found in an old gold box. Paul replies by saying that they are the seeds of an unknown Egyptian […]
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Today’s story begins in a rather peculiar fashion. It is the summer of 1860 and Roger Button is heading towards the hospital to welcome his newborn baby. To his surprise he finds a 70 year old man with perfect capability of speech instead of his baby. Readers find out that the “baby”, Benjamin Button ages […]
The Girl and The Photograph
Today’s story, as the title suggests, is about a girl and a photograph. The narrator, Eric Curtis is a twenty-two year old chap who is staying with one of his uncles in a place called Croyden where he strikes a friendship with sixteen year old Peter. He recalls his brief relationships and flirtations with a […]
The story of Frankenstein is told through letters. Robert Walton is the captain of a ship going towards the North Pole. He sends letters back home to his sister detailing his dangerous mission. Although the mission was going smoothly at the beginning, it was interrupted later by seas of impassable ice. Walton comes across a […]